Soloing and Reharmonization Strategies for Standards Class Content | John Stowell
Using the standard “Gone With the Wind”, John and Randy trade choruses, reacting to each other’s approach to harmony and soloing. Specific topics of discussion include implied time, displaced rhythms, voice leading and improvised chord melody. Also covered are diads, contrary motion, pianistic and drop 2 voicings and altered dominant chords. John and Randy also alternate choruses of comping to demonstrate accompaniment techniques.
- Importance of the use of space in soloing and comping
- Moveable shapes used as altered dominant chords
- Motific development in solos.
- Chord Melody
- Chord Voicings
- Harmony
- Modern Jazz Guitar
- Soloing
Expected Outcome:
The student will have new ideas regarding variations on standard diatonic progressions and new chord voicings and solo lines.
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