Soloing Strategies to “How Deep is The Ocean” and Beyond

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Soloing Strategies to “How Deep is The Ocean” and Beyond by John Stowell & Steve Herberman Class Content | Steve Herberman

Comparisons are made of the original Berlin changes to the Jim Hall and Bill Evans changes as well as chord substitutions that are commonly used to enhance the harmonic movements from chord to chord.

John and Steve demonstrate and discuss universal chord soloing and single note concepts that apply to this great commonly played tune How Deep is the Ocean.

Some of those concepts are:

  • Guide tone line architecture as a means to derive clear melodies.
  • Breaking up chords for greater rhythmic interest and textural variation.
  • Viewing harmony as independent lines on the fingerboard.
  • Limiting parts of your solo to the lower 4 strings.

Join Steve and John for enjoyable conversations and performances of a rich harmonic gem of a composition.

Running time: 66 minutes

PDF’s include of two versions of the harmony (and melody) that is performed and discussed in the video. A bonus PDF of Steve’s single note line etude over a commonly played set of substitute changes to How Deep Is The Ocean.

Full Class + Download
Soloing Strategies to How Deep is The Ocean and Beyond – full course 01:06:00
Soundslice – How Deep Etude by Steve Herberman 00:01:44
Soundslice – Jim Hall’s Changes 00:01:44

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