Open String Voicings for Guitar Class Content | Steve Herberman
Using chord voicings that feature open strings can help create a rich and complex atmosphere for comping, chord-melody playing and soloing. They are a perfect way to enhance a composition with textural nuance and are adaptable to fit any style of music.
While many guitarists know a handful of useful open string voicings there always seems to be new ones waiting to be discovered. This unique class deals with the principles and theory involved with building these voicings, using them in a standard progression (ii-v-iii-vi) with chord substitutions in all major and minor keys. Most every chord quality is addressed with hundreds of useful voicings shown in progressions in all 12 keys as well as several sample sheets devoted to inversions of specific chords. Moveable diminished/dominant seventh voicings using open strings are shown alongside specific chord shapes that work for each of the three diminished families.
This class comes with 12 pages of written material that feature rich, open string voicings often with clusters imbedded in the chords. Everything from big, expansive chords to smaller voicing types. Though the emphasis is on larger chords with low roots (often useful for solo guitar and comping without a bassist) many inversions are included. The progressions shown exhibit melodic continuity, and where possible, close voice-leading that help the voicings gel as a whole. Each written example is recorded on the video with either an even eighth note feel, swing feel, ballad etc. Every guitarist is sure to benefit from this detailed look at open string voicings.
90 minutes, with written examples notated in chord diagram form for 6 string guitar in standard tuning.
Open String Voicings for Guitar | |||
Open String Voicings for Guitar | 01:29:00 |