By the time you apply this to drop 2, drop 3, drop 2&3 and drop 2&4, on all groups of strings AND their inversions, you will walk away from this lesson with, potentially, hundreds of great new voicings you’d never have arrived at by any other system.

We all know the value of 4-note “drop” chords as some of the most accessible fingerings for jazz guitar. Further, inverting these chords can quadruple the number of variations, thereby giving us more textures for accompaniment as well as additional tools for chord melody since each inversion puts a different note at the top of the voicing. The problem is the limited scope of types of chords that can be derived from scales. The diatonic system (major scale) offers us Maj7, 7, -7 and -7b5. The melodic minor scale adds -Maj7 and Maj7#5, and that’s pretty much it. What if there was a way to discover many dozens of new types (values) of chords based on drop chords?

In the “slot” system shown in this lesson, you will see how each of the 4 notes can be viewed as a slot to play ANY note, stepping away from the idea that we are playing a 1,3,5,7 of a particular scale. As such, the 3 can be a 3, -3, 9, b9, 11 or #11. The 5 can be a 5, #5, 13, b5, 4 or even a 3 (!). The 7 can be Maj7, b7, 13, b13, or even a b9 and a 9. Even the 1 doesn’t have to remain a 1 as it can be replaced by a b9 or 9.

By the time you apply this to drop 2, drop 3, drop 2&3 and drop 2&4, on all groups of strings AND their inversions, you will walk away from this lesson with, potentially, hundreds of great new voicings you’d never have arrived at by any other system. Watch the full video to learn how.

Skill Level:

  • Intermediate / Advanced

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