Improve right hand technical facility by mastering finger independence, full and sequential planting, verbally counting while playing, and
using a metronome. The student will also learn to shape a melody, control dynamics and utilize vibrato.
Sub-topic 1 Using a metronome to increase right hand facility and
Sub-topic 2 Full and Sequential Planting
Sub-topic 3 Using a practice mute for increased accuracy of rhythms
at fast tempos
Topics covered:
- Verbally Counting Sextuplets
- Right Hand Planting (Full and Sequential)
- Using a Metronome
- Melody Shaping
- Right Hand Finger Independence
- Vibrato (demonstration only)
- Using a Practice Mute
- Guide Fingers
- Left Hand Preparation
- Bar Chords
Somewhat helpful
There was some helpful info on improving right hand dexterity. NO pdf of Etude. No discussion of using pinky. He seemed to have a fancy metronome, that I’m unaware of, that you can set for triplets, etc. I will work on exercises, as well as finding the piece he used to show case these exercises.
Addendum – Victor Responded VERY Quickly! He sent me pdfs of Etude. He also provided additional info – pinky not used much in classical music and his metronome is called “pro metronome.” THANKS VERY MUCH Victor!!!
by Mike Miller