By taking the class and practicing the ideas presented, the student will be able to learn how to construct jazz solo lines which are harmonic and melodic at the same time and which realize the chord changes exactly without necessarily using scales and arpeggios. Very simple and direct ideas for voice leading on the guitar are provided along with a 16 bar etude with examples of all the techniques discussed.

In this class Randy Johnston presents a 16 bar etude on the first two “A” sections of Charlie Parker’s tune “Confirmation” which encompasses techniques that can easily be applied on the guitar and which include voice leading, jazz harmony, chromatic approach and enclosure variations, and exactly WHEN to apply these techniques to fundamentally play fast moving chord changes in a bebop style without necessarily relying on arpeggios or scales.

In addition, there is a section at the end which shows how to vary and simplify the harmony by allowing the dominant chord to “dominate”. All of these ideas are encompassed in the 16 bar etude and demonstrated in a clear and practical manner on the guitar in addition to being written out.


  • Sub-topic 1: Voice Leading 3rds and 7ths (guide tones) and how to visualize them on the guitar
  • Sub-topic 2 Approach and Enclosure techniques and how to visualize them on the guitar
  • Sub-topic 3 WHEN to play the guide tones rhythmically to perfectly realize the chord changes


  • Harmony
  • Practicing
  • Rhythm
  • Soloing
  • Theory


Running time: 36 minutes
1 Page PDF Included

Course Reviews


5 ratings
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  1. This incredible lesson should be called the Secret of Jazz Soloing!!


    I probably have encountered at least 1000 lessons on the Internet and otherwise, and this is the best one ever. This is the real deal.!!!!
    I am applying this lesson to all the songs that I am working on and having fantastic results!

    Thank you so much for having the insight and sharing this incredible key to single line soloing!!

    Hi Randy, please finish the Confirmation lesson B Section

    And depending on what you think, how about doing a similar lesson on 5ths and 7ts, and roots, etc etc

    Bob B

    by Bob B
  2. Not just how but when.


    This is really working for me. Randy nails it down so that the techniques can be applied and replicated.

    by Ray Bartlet
  3. Mastering fast moving changes


    Randy hits another one outta da park. I never miss an opportunity to learn from this master. Teaches with a conversational style. Check out Randy’s Confirmation solo on the recording “Remembering Eddie Jefferson.” Among other elements touched on in this lesson, the first two notes illustrate his “one can eliminate the ii chord” perfectly. So musical. Simply great, lyrical bebop.

    by Philip Wolok
  4. Mastering fast moving changes


    As always Randy is very clear and concise in his lessons. The material is logically presented and demonstrated.

    by warren greig
  5. Mastering fast moving changes


    As always Randy is very clear and concise in his lessons. The material is logically presented and demonstrated.

    The fact Randy is one of the best jazz guitarists out there ensures that all of his lessons and performances are of superior quality.

    by warren greig
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